Two Weeks In Croatia; Where To Visit, What To Do, How To Get Around!

two weeks in croatia

When I first touched down in Dubrovnik, I was in complete awe of its medieval buildings, rocky coasts, and winding streets. After spending two weeks in Croatia exploring its major cities and off-the-beaten-path Islands, I had fall in love with the country all-together.

Across the Ocean from Italy and sitting along the Adriatic Sea, Croatia is still a relatively underrated country. While it has definitely increased in tourism over the past few years (thanks Game of Thrones), the country still remains unexplored and pretty affordable if you know where to go!

In this guide, I’ll cover the ins and outs of spending two weeks in Croatia; from where to visit to excellent day trip options for every type of traveler.

What You Need To Know About Spending Two Weeks In Croatia

How To Get To Croatia

First thing’s first.. depending on where you’re traveling from, Croatia may be super expensive to reach or super expensive to reach. If you’re flying from anywhere in the U.S., don’t expect to pay any less than $800 roundtrip during peak seasons.. if you’re in Europe, options are a little more affordable.

Bordered by Slovenia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Serbia, and Hungary, Croatia is the ideal country to experience European trains or bus hopping! A Flix Bus from Slovenia to Croatia for example takes under 3 hours and will cost as little as $12.

When in Europe, make the most of budget airlines! You can fly from almost anywhere over to Croatia without breaking the bank. The U.S. even has a few decent routes (especially from the East Coast).

dubrovnik old town views

The Best Time To Visit Croatia

Like anywhere in the World, there’s a peak season and a shoulder season. Some people prefer crowds, while others enjoy milling around at their own pace without the hassle of tourists.

Overall, the best time to spend two weeks in Croatia is probably May and June OR September and October. During these months, you’ll still be able to experience enjoyable weather, sandwiched between the peak season of July and August (when the prices increase, tourists flock, and it’s HOT).

If you’re backpacking across the country, it’s better to do this during shoulder seasons. The summer months are also known for bringing flocks of cruisers.. which can make the small cities feel very claustrophobic. In my opinion, I’d personally avoid overpaying and enjoy the luxury of exploring the beautiful country in peace!

side streets croatia

Where To Visit In Croatia

The beauty, the people, the prices, the culture.. it’s difficult to decide where to visit with only two weeks in Croatia! Since it was my first time, I checked off the popular cities, and opted to escape the crowds by visit a few lesser-known Islands! You know what’s perfect about this country? There’s a little something for everyone. From adventure to historical sites.. Croatia has it all.

1st Stop; Dubrovnik

The walled city along the coast is a good starting point for any journey throughout Croatia. Known for its distinctive Old Town enclosed by towering walls built in the 16th century, Dubrovnik exudes both culture and history within its quaint streets. There’s so much to do in Dubrovnik!

Paved with limestone, you’ll feel as though you’ve been transported back in time. It’s easy to spend hours meandering along the narrow alleyways, strolling from shop to shop, while nibbling on traditional Croatian snacks along the way.

While most people choose to stay within the Old Town, I prefer the Lapad region (just a 20 minute walk away). If you want to be surrounded by locally owned restaurants, serene hiking trails, peaceful beaches, and beautiful hotels.. then this area is the spot for you! My favorite hotel here is Hotel Lapad– with an outdoor pool and unbeatable harbor views, along a quiet street.

  • Opt for a day trip to Montenegro (only around 2 hours by bus)
  • Walk the City Walls for the best views of the Old Town and Coast (around 30 euros)
  • Take the Dubrovnik Cable Car for 360 views of the entire city (around 27 euros)
  • Explore the lesser-crowded area of Lapad for some of the best beaches
  • Go cliff jumping at the infamous ‘Buza Bar’

2nd Stop; Split

Around 2 hours via bus, and you’re in Split! Similar to Dubrovnik in many ways, the coastal city is a must visit if you have two weeks to spend in Croatia. On the Eastern Shore, Split is your gateway to Island Hopping in Croatia. (If you’re staying, be sure to check out Dvor Hostel!)

The country’s second largest city is known for its Old Town, thriving hostel scene, and lively promenade along the Coast. While Dubrovnik and Split differ in many ways, both Old Town’s are equally beautiful to explore both day and night.

The only major difference I noticed here were the beaches. While Dubrovnik is scattered with beaches stretching from the Old Town to Lapad and beyond, Split has very few within walking distance of the Old Town. One of the closest to the city is ‘Bacvice Beach,’ which tends to get extremely busy during peak season.. so be prepared to venture further out to find a little serenity.

  • Walk through Diocletian’s Palace
  • Take a free walking tour of the city
  • Have a bite or two in People’s Square
  • Lounge at Bacvice Beach
  • Take a boat cruise to the Islands
split croatia harbor

Lesser-Known Islands/Areas To Visit In Croatia

If you’ve done your research on spending two weeks in Croatia, then you’ve most certainly come across Hvar once or twice. As one of the more popular islands to visit here, it brings in hoards of tourists each year longing to lay eyes on its hilltop fortress and blue waters.

If you’re only ever planning to visit Croatia once in your life (which I don’t recommend).. then Hvar is a must; however, if you plan to come back more than once (which I do recommend).. then there are a few lesser-known areas to visit that you need to know about..

One of my favorite spots I found (and home to the 1 euro homemade crepes along the shore) is Komiza! A deep bay full of crystal blue waters, Komiza is a town lined with traditional houses and rolling hills – a true local experience on the island of Vis

Lined with rocky caves along its shores and home to the ‘Blue Cave,’ Biševo is a small island in the middle of Croatia’s archipelago. The longest Island in Croatia, Brač attracts adventure travelers due to its prime windsurfing conditions. 

Final Stop; Zagreb

Thanks to trusty Flix Bus, it takes under 5 hours to travel from Split to Zagreb on a budget. To be honest, I hadn’t heard much about Zagreb overall.. but wanted to visit the country’s capital before ending my trip.. and I’m sure happy I did!

While most visitors flock to the coastal cities and islands, Zagreb is a nice treat during the peak months if you’re looking for a little break from the crowds. At first, most of the back streets appeared very grey with communist-era buildings.. but once I explored, I came to realize that the city was colorful and vibrant in more ways than one. (Check out Dots Hostel if you’re staying the night).

  • Visit the Cathedral of Zagreb
  • Stroll through the Museum of Broken Relationships
  • Take a free walking tour around the city
  • Witness the Grič Cannon boom at noon
  • Do a day trip to Bosnia & Herzegovina
croatia island hopping

Common Questions About Spending Two Weeks In Croatia

Do You Need A Visa To Visit?

As of Jan. 2023, Croatia is officially a part of the Schengen Zone in Europe, which means EU passport holders can visit for as long as they please! For U.S. passport holders, a visa is not required for temporary tourist and business trips up to 90 days. Remember, it’s important to check your own country’s rules when it comes to visiting Croatia.

Is Croatia Safe?

Like anywhere, it’s important to be mindful of petty theft in populated areas, but for the most part Croatia is extremely safe! I solo traveled around Croatia for two weeks, and had no issues.

What Currency Does Croatia Use?

Sine joining the Schengen Zone, the country officially accepts euros.. but I’m sure you can still pay in Kuna’s here and there if you have no euros available.


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